Bad news for Nemo, good news for women everywhere. Fighting postpartum depression might be as easy as adding more fish to your diet. The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry just published a review stating that increasing Omega-3 intake to recommended levels could help women of childbearing age battle depression.
Research shows that Omega-3 helps your body release serotonin, that hormone that makes you feel all warm and fuzzy. In General, most people don’t get the recommended amount of fish in their diet. The reason that new mothers are more susceptible to postpartum depression is that their Omega-3 supplies are depleted by the baby throughout the pregnancy and take a while to normalize, especially for those women who breastfeed. More research is being done to examine this link further, but it’s not a bad idea to put some fish on your menu this holiday season.
Alisa Flom Patient Relations Coordinator